If you have ever thought that perhaps it would be good to write a first book, a blog, a letter or a short email then you will know how difficult it is to sit down and get those first words on paper. I have thought what a pity it is that people don’t have the same reticence about blasting off a few Tweets. I’m not even going to mention that deranged orange person across the big pond who uses Twitter like a school playground.
Yes, you know where this is going already, I had great difficulty in focussing my mind, not to mention guiding my chubby derrière into the office chair to start this my first Blog of 2017. That is even though I have two new books on the go (well mostly in my head really) and a workshop to plan, all needing me at my desk. If you have already enjoyed my earlier books I thank you and hope that you will find the next two equally worth some comment. This time I am giving myself pressure from you the potential reader .
As I need to be simultaneously thinking about The Cosmic Condom (new self help book) I thought why not pop a few of the early paragraphs down here. In that way I can pick your brains or gut instincts to tell me of you would read more or I should just go finish off the Christmas choccies? Do we have a deal? Feel free to be as critical as you like (positively, if possible- we all need a bit of love!)
The ‘Cosmic Condom’ came about because I often used that expression in my workshops in Spain and with private clients who needed help in their every day life. We all need help at some time in our lives to think about not allowing others to drain our valuable life energy. I get to energy vampires much later.
………..Think about it -How does your own energy system function it could be like your fridge or your oven, if you don’t want to be allied to a chilly personality. You like to think of yourself as a communicator ? Then think of a radio , computer , anything that has electrical wiring, mother boards etc…
Imagine what is happening inside all of that kit you live around all the time…….it doesn’t take a big step of imagination to compare ourself to that. Circuitry ….imagine what is going on inside our amazing bodies every second of every day. ..
Just reading this now you know that millions of wee cells are connecting inside your brain, your eyes, your life , your whole existence is governed by electrical impulses.
Ever stood beside your car door & jumped as it connects electrically , gives you a shock as the metal sparks tickle your skin!? So that’s just a lump of metal – imagine what is happening when you stand beside a person, friend or stranger?? Whether you feel them will depend whether or not you are sparking at each other…..oooer . Can you see that spark that energy interaction? Not many can …..but it is happening every second of every minute of every day. You / we are connecting and in a never ending infinity of electricity.
Is it any wonder that you go into your home at the end of a long day feeling either super charged or drained & half dead or even half asleep or some weird combination of both!
We are all part of this massive electromagnetic field that starts with those tiny vibrating atoms inside each cell of our bodies. Or DOES IT? ……………….
Ok that’s your lot for now. Does it leave you wanting more, or heard it all before or shall I just find that hidden chocolate box? It’s Ok I do know where I hid them but it takes me longer to retrace the route at my age.
Written the day of the Full Wolf Energy moon -January 12th 2017-
Being the first Full Moon for the year, this Cancer Moon is reportedly going to be showing the journey that we are destined to take in the next 12 months. Supposedly it calls on us to step into our truth and embrace that inner power that we all have inside.
Come embrace your full power with fun and energy as I share some of my thoughts each month over this year.